Prospecting AI Agent

What do the experts know?

  • When the phone first came out, I'm sure few thought it could replace a door-to-door salesperson. They were wrong!
  • In 1943, the chairman of IBM, Thomas Watson stated, "I think there's a world market for maybe 5 computers." He was wrong!
  • Today, I hear, "AI Agents will NEVER be able to cold call or follow up like a human." They too will, in short order, be proven wrong as well.

Over the last year, I've been sharing a video by, titled "AIR AI Contact Center Call" in which a conversational AI agent makes an outbound call and interacts in ‘real-time’ with a potential lead (or buyer) named James who had gone on the Tesla website and provided his contact information. The conversational AI bot Alexander then calls to persuade James that Tesla is a great choice for a new car.

The conversational prowess of the bot may not be at a level where it could fool all humans, but it will be!

Prompt Engineer Deconstruction

Is this conversational AI Agent selling? I decided to test the idea after reading an article from Marina Ashurkina. Using 'prompt engineering' to deconstruct the conversation and Anthropic's LLM Claude, I decided to modify/enhance 3 of the prompts to discover if the 'machine' could deconstruct its own sales tactics. The results are as follows:

Prompt #1 : What sales tactics does Alexander use to persuade James to agree to a test drive? Provide the name of the tactic in one column and the corresponding phrase(s) as an example in column 2.
Prompt #2: Build a detailed customer profile (geographic, demographics, psychographic) for James as a potential buyer.

Claude's Response:

Based on the conversation, here's a detailed customer profile for James as a potential Tesla buyer:


• Location: Omaha, Nebraska

• Moving to: The city (likely referring to a more urban area of Omaha)

• Current residence: Likely suburban or less urban area (inferring from the move)


• Gender: Male

• Age: Likely late 20s to mid 30s (based on job history and car ownership)

• Employment: Employed, possibly in a professional role (able to consider a luxury car purchase)

• Income: Middle to upper-middle class (considering a Tesla)

• Life stage: Transitioning (moving to a new apartment, considering a significant car upgrade)


• Values:

- Quality and reliability in products

- Technological advancement

- Status and image (interested in a prestigious car brand)

- Environmental consciousness (considering an electric vehicle)

• Interests:

- Technology (fan of Elon Musk, interested in Tesla)

- Automotive industry (exploring car options)

- Career advancement (moving to the city, upgrading lifestyle)

• Lifestyle:

- Upwardly mobile (moving to the city, considering a luxury car)

- Social (mentions friends who own Teslas)

- Open to new experiences (willing to test drive and consider a new type of car)

• Attitudes:

- Brand-conscious (specifically interested in Tesla)

- Influenced by peer recommendations (friends rave about Tesla)

- Values personal growth and advancement (upgrading living situation and vehicle)

• Behavior:

- Researcher (has been exploring options before making a decision)

- Cautious buyer (taking time to make a decision, wants to test drive)

- Aspiring to luxury (moving from a Ford Fusion to considering a Tesla)

• Pain points:

- Current car is old and unreliable

- Desires a change that aligns with his new life stage

- Possibly experiencing some peer pressure or desire to fit in with Tesla-owning friends

• Decision-making factors:

- Performance (mentions Teslas being "super fast")

- Aesthetics (notes that Teslas look "really amazing")

- Brand reputation and personal admiration for the company's founder

- Peer influence and social proof from friends

This profile paints a picture of James as a young professional in a transitional phase of life, aspiring to upgrade his lifestyle and align himself with a prestigious, technologically advanced brand that his social circle admires. He's cautious but open to making a significant purchase if it aligns with his values and desires.

And my last prompt...

Prompt #3: What closing techniques should the salesperson use during the test drive and what features should be highlighted for a higher close rate? List the closing techniques in column one and the supporting feature(s) in column two.

Claude's Response:

| Closing Technique | Supporting Feature(s)

| Assumptive Close | "So, which color interior would you prefer in your Tesla?"

| Feature-Benefit Close | Autopilot: "This feature not only makes your commute easier but also significantly improves safety." |

| Urgency Close | Limited-time promotions: "This current pricing is only available until the end of the month."

| Visualization Close | Customization options: "Imagine pulling up to your new city apartment in this sleek Model 3." |

| Contrast Close | Comparison to Ford Fusion: "Notice how responsive the acceleration is compared to your current car?" |

| Social Proof Close | User testimonials: "Your friends aren't the only ones raving about Tesla - let me show you some owner reviews." |

| Trial Close | During test drive: "How do you feel this would fit into your daily routine?" |

| Summary Close | Recap key benefits: "So we've seen the performance, the tech features, and the safety ratings. How does this align with what you're looking for?" |

| Puppy Dog Close | • Extended test drive: "Why don't you take it home for the weekend and see how it fits your lifestyle?" |

| Alternative Choice Close | Model options: "Based on what you've experienced, do you see yourself in the Model 3 or the Model Y?" |

To support these closing techniques, the salesperson should highlight the following features during the test drive:

  • Performance (acceleration, handling)
  • Advanced technology (touchscreen interface, over-the-air updates)
  • Autopilot and safety features
  • Electric powertrain benefits (low maintenance, cost savings on fuel)
  • Spaciousness and comfort compared to James' current car
  • Charging infrastructure and range
  • Customization options (colors, interior finishes)
  • Brand prestige and innovation
  • Environmental benefits
  • Total cost of ownership advantages

By combining these closing techniques with highlighted features that address James' specific needs and desires, the salesperson can increase the likelihood of a successful close. (Source: Anthropic's Claude)

I don't know about you, but these results are incredible! We are at the beginning of the 'transformer' revolution. And, over the next 6 months, we will see a quantum leap in their ability to have deeper and richer conversations as 'context windows' continue their expansion.

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