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cover image of mastering the upsell

Mastering the Upsell

Acquiring new clients is hard! So why not switch to a strategy that will allow you to sell more to existing clients? If you want to grow your sales, the quickest way to do that is to upsell your existing clients. In this book, Victor Antonio will show you various upselling strategies to help you sell more, quickly.

Book cover of Blocking Objections

Blocking Objections

Blocking Objections: A New Approach for Lowering Buyer Resistance and Selling More. This book will literally change how you present your product or service to a potential buyer. Objection Blocking is a method for preempting a buyer’s objection before he voices the objection.

Book cover of Sales Ex MAchina

Sales Ex Machina

This is the first book to explore how Artificial Intelligence is changing the world of selling! Functions that were once the domain of salespeople will be transformed, subsumed, or obliterated. In the world of sales, the predictive power of these new algorithms is changing the way sales organizations function.

Book Cover of the Greatest Gift by Victor Antonio

The Greatest Gift

If you love Og Mandino’s work, you’re sure to like this book. The Greatest Gift follows a conversation in a coffee shop between two men in very different stages of their lives. One is a rising start trying to find the meaning of success, the other; an older man with the benefit of hindsight and insight into the meaning of success and all of its trials and tribulations. You will listen in to a conversation between two men from two different generations on the meaning of life, success and happiness. The story is filled with insightful moments on the human condition; the common failings we all have and how we face them.


4x4x4 Masterclass

Scale Your Business and Your Sales with this simple methodology that I've used in my career to take yearly revenue from $14 million to $98 million.

Selling in a Recession series cover by victor antonio
Masterclass Series

Selling in a Recession

Ominous layoffs, budget cuts, and gloomy news about the 2024 economy.It doesn’t have to be so bad  – there are upsides to down markets if you know how to utilize this time wisely.Inject some optimism into your daily routine with this (FREE) series.

1 video a day delivered to your inbox. Helping you stay positive and ready to sell through a recession